Friday, January 11, 2013

Learning Guitar at +40 is hard

The company I work for has a really cool employee recognition program where the acknowledge and reward employees at the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc year anniversary points.  For the 10+ anniversaries you attend a nice dinner and recognition ceremony.  At all of these, you get to pick from an assortment of gifts.  I just reached one of the milestone anniversaries and  since November 2012 have been the proud owner of an acoustic guitar for the first time in my life.  First time I've owned any sort of guitar.  As I type this I'm wondering if I've tried to play the opening to Smoke on the Water on my guitar yet, but I don't think I have.  It was the one and only guitar thing I knew.  I have learned a very basic Jingle Bells, God Save the Queen and House of the Rising Sun in the short time I've owned the guitar, but that's about it.  It's hard to get these big, dumb and old fingers to bend around and hit those strings!  It's a nice hobby though.  Of course, I am old enough to know that it will take  lot of work to sound half decent on this thing!  Saddest part is that while trying to learn all the chords and such, I realize that for me, finger stretching exercises are the key.  How dull is that?  Good news is I can do these exercises almost anywhere.  Bad news is they are as boring as ...


  1. PV - Cleaning out my blog and came across you in a comment. Clicked the link and then the new one, which brought me here.

    I got a ukulele for Christmas. (Try learning that at 50+!) Good thing it was a cheap one because the novelty faded quickly. I still want to give it a go, but it's been sitting on the table next to my desk every since I mastered "tuning" it.

    Hope you are well,


    1. I'm well. Hope you are too. Ukulele.... Wow. Along with tuning my guitar I now know three very simple songs. Trying to learn chords and switching between them now. Not sounding so good, but we'll see!
